Friday 21 June 2013

Hampir genap 2 minggu memulakan semester baru di UPSI..

Salam WBT... moga semua berada di bawah lindungan Allah SWT dan sentiasa dilimpahi oleh rahmatNya..

Alhamdulillah setakat ni semua baik2 sahaja... itulah perancanganNya..
The Kuliah went good as usual except the assignments that made me crazy..
especially for Grammar 2 and English for Pronounciation subjects that really killing me..

As for English for Pronounciation, we need to record our discussion , analyse, transcript and so on.. (how i hate studying poems)everything were settled within a night.. that's the power of procastinate... 
BTW, three of us including Andy and Naim act like total jerks and truly fake during the recording sessions.. hahahah.. 

However.. Alhamdulillah.. let by gone be by gone... 
what else to write??? hmm... 

the best subject for this semester so far is... the ethnic relation( juz becoz the lecturer is kind of sporting than others).. 
and the worst so far might be the English Language by Miss Betty... ask my mates how and why.. 

but life here at the new KHAR was kind of great.. maybe the housemates are all great and sporting...
and maybe it's a brand new place too..
but the worst part is there's noting much to explore here... 

by then i'd like to share a pic of my place... kind of nice rite?? 

Hmm.. nothing much to write...
Daa... Assalamualaikum... :)

Friday 7 June 2013


cukuplah cuti lame2 ni.. puas dah.. so menghitung waktu utk pulang ke ibu kandung suluh budiman..
berape jam je lagi dari sekarang..

Feeling excited nk sambung sem baru.. x sabar nk jumpa member2...
i wonder who will be my lecturer for the next sem.. hmm.. mintak2 jgn die lagi..

so this will be my accomodation for the next sem..

hah ni la die.. bru siap tau... nmpk mcm awesome je..
satu rumah 6 org je.. lagi untung bile aku dpt serumah dgn membe2.. hahak.. bkn sng nk dpt tau.. hnye insan terpilih je mmpu.. hhaha..

mmg mcm legoland pn.. tpi x kisah asal ada tmpt tinggal cukup.. dh syukur.. 
x sabalah... 

jauh di sudut hati.. 
ttp akan rindu sama Kuantan.. 
lebih2 lagi ibu ayah.. bilelah pulak dpt blk semula.. tu semua aturan Allah..
ade rezki boleh balik klu ade cuti.. 

hmm.. so sedang persiapkan diri mentally and physically for the next semester... 
Ya Allah , persiapkanlah diri ini untuk menuntut ilmu.. 
mengharapkan radhaMU ya Allah..  

ALHAMDULILLAH.. Wujud sudah blog sendiri..

Hmm.. so what should i write ? 

Alhamdulillah..ade orang suruh aku create blog.. ye mmg aku ni ketinggalan zaman sket.. serba serbi xtau.. somehow, i'm still in learning process.. so, to all bloggers yg dh expert dlm dunia blog ni sila2lah beri tunjuk ajar yek... hahah.. 

Ok tu je kot.. (currently thinking of what to write on this blog) ..
Bercadang utk memakmurkan sebuah blog dri kecik lagi.. tpi nth bilala jadi realitinya..

So this is my first try on blogging.. so bloggers.. Assalamualaikum n Hai... :)